Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Thirty Second Flood of Memories

Not very long ago, a Facebook friend made a post about his memories of riding trains. In my comment to his post I mentioned that my first train trip occurred about twenty years ago while working in Germany. That comment resulted in my searching youTube, where I found the video below.

It is only about thirty seconds in length and at first glance not very special; shot from a moving train in Germany, somewhere between Trier and Koblenz. To me however, it is very special.

Here's why...

While in Germany, and working in Trier during the early and mid 90's, I would ride this very train on weekends, usually traveling from Trier to Cologne, and then onto another train that would take me in other directions, eventually getting me to wherever I was heading (usually to visit a friend, sometimes to simply explore). Part of that line, from Trier to Koblenz, is a famous line that dates back to the 1800s. In many places it follows (and crosses as in the video) the very scenic Moselle (Mosel in German) river. It was upon this line, along the Mosel, that I made my first trip by rail.

The video was obviously taken on an overcast dreary day, yet it brought back a flood of memories, so many that I could not help but watch it over and over. In my mind, the fog easily disperses, revealing a sky that is a crystal clear sapphire blue. The hills are deep green and the river reflects the sunlight pouring down from above... just how I remember it.

I know it means a lot more to me than it will to those whom read this, but still, I feel a need to share. It was a time in my life that was very special... and it amazes me how a thirty second video shot on a less than perfect day, by someone I will never know, can so easly transport me, if only in my mind, to another place and another time...