Saturday, April 26, 2014

He who saves a single life...

Earlier this year I came across the story below, and even though very short in length, it has stuck with me; therefore I decided to share it here.  It demonstrates how even in the darkest of moments there are people, whom when need be, can shine like stars in the heavens.

“He who saves a single life, it is as if he saved the entire world.”  

These words, which have appeared in movie and song, originate in the Jewish Talmud. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin first linked them to the story below in The Book of Jewish Values; he credits the story to Rabbi Lawrence Kushner's Invisible Lines of Connection: Sacred Stories of the Ordinary.

I offer it here for Days of Remembrance, which began today…

A light snow was falling and the streets were crowded with people. It was Munich in Nazi Germany. One of my rabbinic students, Shifra Penzias, told me her great-aunt, Sussie, had been riding a city bus home from work when SS storm troopers suddenly stopped the coach and began examining the identification papers of the passengers. Most were annoyed, but a few were terrified. Jews were being told to leave the bus and get into a truck around the corner.

My student’s great-aunt watched from her seat in the rear as the soldiers systematically worked their way down the aisle. She began to tremble, tears streaming down her face. When the man sitting next to her noticed that she was crying, he politely asked her why.

“I don’t have the papers you have. I am a Jew. They’re going to take me.”

The man exploded with disgust. He began to curse and scream at her. “You stupid bitch,” he roared. “I can’t stand being near you.” 

The SS men asked what all the yelling was about.

“Damn her,” the man shouted angrily. “My wife has forgotten her papers again! I’m so fed up. She always does this!”

The soldiers laughed and moved on.

My student said that her great-aunt never saw the man again. She never even knew his name.

Yes indeed...

“He who saves a single life, it is as if he saved the entire world.” 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The October Guest

Autumn - 1987
It has been quite some time since I last posted to this blog. I offer no excuse for my absence for I certainly have been remiss…or perhaps simply lazy. I will offer in my own defense that I have been busy…very busy. 

I suppose I write only when I feel like it, which fits in with the fact that I am not a writer (something I have never once claimed to be). My grammar is often slipshod and my subject matter, for the most part, strictly personal. Still, since I write only when I feel like it, it is obvious that I have not "felt like it" for more than half a year -- an unprecedented gap. 

With that said, and in an effort to keep the above mentioned gap from expanding any further, I offer the following Midsummer Night's Ramble...

I will begin by acknowledging the fact that the month of August is nearly upon us, and that I (for one) am looking forward to being one calendar month closer to autumn (and the weather she brings). Here in the shadow of the Blue Ridge we were recently treated to a sampling of such weather. I walked out of my house last Thursday morning and found myself strolling through (what felt like) the beginning of an October day. There are few things capable of soothing my soul the way a crisp cool morning can, especially when you throw in some wind in the trees and a rustling of leaves.

I drove into work that morning listening to Loreena McKennitt’s newest CD, ”The Wind that Shakes the Barley". While I am proud of my entire European heritage, I cannot help but think it is the Irish part of me that springs to life when I first sense the approach of autumn. For myself it is no less special than the arrival of Frost's famous visitor, even if she arrives on my doorstep a month sooner than his. I really do look forward to pulling down my box of sweaters and preparing the fireplace for the season’s first fire. These are simple things, and the kinds of things I look forward October.

But alas, autumn is still a ways off...summer (sadly) just half way through.

On to other subjects…

College football begins in August. Here is found my one and only consistent TV sports interest. Saturdays in the fall begin with ESPN College Game Day and continue well into the night. I am truly ready to plant myself in my easy-chair and partake.

Frustratingly (for me at least) the federal workforce furloughs brought on by sequestration continue to disrupt the lives of normal folk like myself and my wife…20% less pay has us tightening our belts and wondering (if not worrying) about the future. For also looming just over the horizon is something else October brings -- the end of our government’s fiscal year, a time during which our government is capable of maximum calamity; especially while under the direction of an inept president and a dysfunctional congress (my opinion, my blog). Our plans to travel to the Adirondack Mountains are canceled; our hike up Cascade and Porter Mountains will have to wait…as will numerous other less extraordinary things. I know others whom are taking it much harder...all this while our president and his family prepare for an August vacation at Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts...on the heels of trips to Ireland and Africa.

As Mel Brooks might say, "It's good to be the President."

My hiking here in Virginia is on hold. I continue to nurse an injury sustained in June along the Appalachian Trail, while hiking down from Mary’s Rock into Thornton Gap. Our 100 mile adventure is, for the time being, paused at the 43 mile mark. There will be more about this in my hiking blog. Soon I hope. I have also been remiss when it comes to posting there.

On the Apple software development front, the hacking and subsequent temporary closure of the Apple developer websites (perhaps you saw the news stories) could not have come at a worse time. Still I develop, still I write code. I always will. It is in me to do so.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Until Next Year

It is just a page or two from an old newspaper, neatly folded to make one item visible – a schedule for passenger ships sailing to Europe. Closer examination reveals the paper is brittle and the newsprint odd (a font most would not be accustomed to seeing). A banner touts the newspaper section name, “Steamships and Tours”.
To look at it, and the way it is folded, one might think the reader, contemplating a trip to Europe, had just put the newspaper down, perhaps to answer a knock at the door or tend to a steaming kettle on the stove. However, after glancing at the date at the top of the page one realizes the newspaper is from a time long past...November 9, 1924. How curious it is that a few pages taken from a newspaper from so long ago would be preserved in such a manner…looking as if the reader might be returning at any moment.

The newspaper belonged to my aunt. Before that it belonged to my grandmother. I know not why it was kept, but it was, and therefore I keep it now.

Since the newspaper is from my grandmother's time, I assume it was she whom in 1924 was thinking of a trip to Europe. By then she had lost her two sisters, and her father, each in a tragic manner; however, her mother Zofia (Sofia or Sophie in English) was alive and no doubt she would have wanted to visit her.

The trip was never made. Here, in the United States, my grandmother was a farmer’s wife living in the shadow of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State. She no doubt lived a busy life. Plans to sail across the ocean and travel by train to Poland were probably more easily dreamt of than carried out...especially when weeks turn into months, and months turn into years, in what seems like the blink of an eye.

Fifteen years later the European continent was immersed in a war brought on by a madman, one that began in, and tore apart, what is now Poland. It was there, for the second time in her lifetime, my great-grandmother found herself ensnared by a World War. Unfortunately, this one, would consume her life. Zofia died November 2, 1944 in Fabryczna; seven months before the end of the war and almost twenty years to the day the newspaper was printed.

That was then.

In the here and now it does not seem long ago that 2012 was just beginning. Yet here we are, with 2013 strolling up our walks and about to knock on our doors. At the start of this year I had just begun researching my family history, wanting to know more about the Polish roots of which I write and from which I came.

I knew then that my grandmother emigrated out of Poland on her eighteenth birthday and that her maiden name was Fasiecka. I knew almost nothing about the family she had left behind. I knew stories of course…those told openly…and those not. I also knew that my great grandmother’s name was Zofia and I had a phonetic-spelling of her maiden name. Other than that, my coffers were empty.

That was then.

Now, not only do I know the correct spelling of Zofia’s maiden name, which is Kisicka, I have it in her own handwriting (I’ve posted this image before…The Marriage of Stanislaus and Zofia). Shortly after the discovery of Zofia’s maiden name I remember thinking it impossible to know more, the names of her parents and her husband's parents for example. I was convinced that this was knowledge forever lost to time, and it made me sad that I never asked such questions when those whom would have known such things were alive.

That was then.

I now know more names than I ever thought possible. On my great grandmother’s side I have names going all the way back to my great, great, great, great, great grandparents...five greats. On my great grandfather’s side I have names going back three greats. The surnames on both sides are difficult to spell and even harder to pronounce; names such as Przybylska, Budzyńska, Kędzierczakowa, Augustyniak, and Nowicka…the latter probably the easiest to spell and pronounce, but possibly the most mysterious (Thomas Nowicki and Magdalena Nowika, a story for another time...and then there is my great-great grandmother Fransika Przybylska, a budding mystery also for another time).

An interesting note, as was the tradition in Poland back then, surnames ending with an “i” or “y” for the husband were changed to ending with an “a” for the wife.

The fact that my last name is Smith almost seems anticlimactic. My father's roots were quite different from my mother's, whose maiden name was Drozinski, my grandmother's married name. My grandmother married a first generation American whose parents (Joseph Drozinski and Apolonia Koselafska) immigrated to the United States from Danzig, Germany (modern day Gdansk, Poland).

That was then.

While there is still much I do not know, and most likely never will, my sights of late seem more fixed on the future than on the past…a natural transition I think for someone who has focused for so long on times gone by and places so far away. One can spend the rest of their life trying to decode the past and uncover its secrets; but there is a cost, one of precious days in the present, where life goes on, and we record with our words, deeds, and actions those histories that our descendants will someday speak of, and perhaps write about. I am not saying that my research has come to an end, but I am saying that my sight in the next year will be more forward looking than it has been as of late.

I think the late singer songwriter Dan Fogelberg said it (or should I say sang it) best…

and the sons become the fathers
and their daughters will be wives
as the torch is passed from hand to hand
and we struggle through our lives

though the generations wander
the lineage survives
and all of us
from dust to dust
we all become forefathers by and by

To my family and friends…I hope your Hanukkah was a happy one, I hope your Christmas is a joyous one, and I wish for you a New Year that is happy, healthy and prosperous. Goodbye all, until next year.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Marriage of Stanislaus and Zofia

They were married 8 November 1888 in Mosina, a small town near Poznan, Poland (although it was Germany back then). The groom, a young man of 26 years, is Stanislaus Fasiecki, born 18 October 1862 in Alt Puszczykowo. He is listed on the marriage document as the son of Valentin Fasiecki and Catharina nee Nowicka, also of Alt Puszczykowo. The bride is a young woman of just 19 years, Zofia Kisicka, born 12 April 1869 in Alt Puszczykowo and listed as the daughter of Bartholomeus Kisicki and Franciszka nee Przybylska of Alt Puszczykowo. Witnesses are Oskar Koch (merchant), age 23 of Moschin, and Andreas Hetmann, brother-in-law to Stanislaus, age 28 of Alt Puszczykowo.

The ceremony is a small one...and civil.

I realize these are little more than marriage facts, no more special than those for any other marriage from that time…or any other time for that matter. I also realize the signatures of the bride and groom are but two from amongst millions that lay hidden in archives around the world.

Still, I had to share them.

These records became known to me this morning, and only because of the hard work of a researcher in Poland whom signs her emails Kasia. Her work is amazing. I have not had nearly enough time to digest all of the information she has provided, yet I felt an immediate need to imprint these signatures here, making sure these two persons would not be forgotten, not be destined to never be known to anyone ever again.

Stanislaus and Zofia are my great-grandparents on my mother’s side. They are the parents of Victoria, my grandmother, a woman whom in December 1909, on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, alone, making her way to America and a new life.

Zofia and Stanislaus were real people.

They existed on this good Earth and they made a difference. My brothers, my sister, and I, and all our children, and their families are here because of them. I write this with the simple hope that they will never be forgotten.

Friday, February 10, 2012

One Hundred Years Ago

One hundred years ago today, a twenty year old Polish girl from Poznan and a twenty-one year old Polish farmer (whose family came from Danzig) are wed. Her name is Victoria Fieskia and he is Alexander Dronzinski. They begin their life together with the purchase of a small farm just south of the Adirondack Mountains, in Fulton County, New York; in the town of Perth.

Two years later, they start a family. And it is because of that family that I am here; I am their third grandson. My grandfather Alexander (known to me as Jah-Jah, a shortened version of the Polish affectionate form of the word Grandfather) died in 1960 and my grandmother Victoria (known to me as Boppie) passed away in 1987; yet they both live on through numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. They truly were two of the most special people ever to have walked the fields of God's green earth.

If there are farms in heaven, that's where they can be found. Boppie and Jah-Jah...married one hundred years