Friday, February 10, 2012

One Hundred Years Ago

One hundred years ago today, a twenty year old Polish girl from Poznan and a twenty-one year old Polish farmer (whose family came from Danzig) are wed. Her name is Victoria Fieskia and he is Alexander Dronzinski. They begin their life together with the purchase of a small farm just south of the Adirondack Mountains, in Fulton County, New York; in the town of Perth.

Two years later, they start a family. And it is because of that family that I am here; I am their third grandson. My grandfather Alexander (known to me as Jah-Jah, a shortened version of the Polish affectionate form of the word Grandfather) died in 1960 and my grandmother Victoria (known to me as Boppie) passed away in 1987; yet they both live on through numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. They truly were two of the most special people ever to have walked the fields of God's green earth.

If there are farms in heaven, that's where they can be found. Boppie and Jah-Jah...married one hundred years