Friday, April 30, 2010

My yard... I think I'll burn it.

I just came in from doing a little yard work, traversed to the fridge, grabbed myself a much deserved cold one (“cold one” equates to a can of Diet Sunkist for folks like me), and plopped down in front of my trusty computer; where I will now commence complaining about my yard.

Let’s get right to the point. I want to burn it. I have seen how they burn the meadows in the national park every few years… seems like a very fine idea. Give me some matches, lighter fluid, and a hose and I’ll “getter done”. Seriously though, this is my first spring at my new place north of Charlottesville and I can tell you this… I liked my yard a whole lot better when it was beneath two and a half feet of snow.

I just finished mowing the lawn. Just the back yard actually. Well, only the upper half of the backyard. Right up to where it starts running downhill at a slope that even a ski jumper would wince at. Now don’t start thinking I didn’t do much. That upper half is at least the same square footage as my whole yard in Virginia Beach… front AND back. And let’s talk about terrain... geesh! Aside from the slope, it’s a dirt-biker’s delight… holes and tree roots and gullies galore.

My observation: There is not a level square foot in the whole backyard. That’s living in the country… where the grass is not only greener, it's also harder to mow.