Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rod Serling's Olympic Games

Am I the only one who sees it? There must be others who have noticed. The photo on the left is an image from a Twilight Zone episode titled “The Fear” (1964). It took me almost an hour of Googling to find it (because I did not know the name of the episode). The image on the right shows the newly revealed mascots for the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Aside from how ridiculous the mascots look… and the fact that money actually changed hands in exchange for their design… I think it very odd that the designers went so far out of their way to come up with gender and nationality neutral mascots… for a venue where the events are segregated by gender and the competition pits country against country.

I can almost hear Rod Serling laughing… from behind that signpost up ahead… in the Twilight Zone.