Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Ramblings of an Old Fashion, Peculiar, and Presumptuous Kitchen Table Person

I found this in someone’s blog today…

“I've not used this in ages. Facebook and Twitter have become an easier way of conveying what I want to say here and now. Is this a sign of instant gratification?”

A sign of the times I suppose; online snippets, texting, and online chatting instead of emails… and prior to that emails instead of letters. I suppose blogging will eventually go the way of journals and diaries. No one wants to write anymore.

I miss letter writing… putting pen to paper. I still have stationary tucked away in a dresser drawer.

I’m also a kitchen table person. I prefer talking face to face, perhaps over a couple of cups of hot chocolate, or two, or three. Throw in a few more chairs and few more voices. The more the merrier I say. Call me old fashion.

Some ask “Why write when you can speak over the phone?” I suppose it is easier, and I do own one, and I do use it, but the truth is, I don’t care much for phones either (a quirk of mine… I’ve always been that way when it comes to phones… call me peculiar).

And then there’s online chatting… a taxing venue where folks like me (non-multitasking persons whom prefer to live their life in a serial manner) seem to have trouble adapting. My main problem with online chatting is that I always assume I have the other person’s full attention. Call me presumptuous. Given the choice between undivided and divided attention I choose the former.

Yes… I prefer a kitchen table… or a front porch… even a quiet pub will do. Pick any of the “too many to list” places where a pleasant conversation can be enjoyed. With any luck, in my sometimes much too busy life, that’s exactly where you will find me.